What We Do
Home Resource Consultants Inc. provides HERS ratings and energy efficiency testing for building code compliance. We are dedicated to provide excellent customer service and training for our builder’s to achieve their goals.
Contact Us
P.O. Box 837
Manomet MA 02345
HERS Ratings
A HERS Rating is the analyzes of a homeʼs potential energy performance. HERS Raters use an approved simulation program and information based from the plans and design criteria to create a HERS score. During construction the rater will work with the builder to identify improvements to insure performance requirements. Upon completion, a final inspection and testing is done to insure the home was built to meet the HERS score.
Blower Door Testing
A blower door test is a way to measure air leakage in a home, by depressurizing the home using a large fan. The fan draws air from any existing holes in the air barrier, by doing this it determines your ACH (air changes per hour). Based on the house dimensions and volume of the air in the home. The standard for new construction is 3 ACH
Duct Test
A duct leakage test is a way to measure the airtightness of the HVAC system in a home. By pressurizing the duct system using a small fan, we measure the air flow rate and the pressure to determine the duct systems airtightness. By doing this we can calculate the amount of leakage in the system.